Mark your calendar for Thursday, September 24, 1:00 PM β Registration required
Lighting for Documentary Interviews In this FREE workshop, we will explore the various lighting techniques and equipment used for documentary-style on-camera interviews. Among the techniques to be demonstrated will be classical three-point lighting, the run and gun, one light interview as well as the available light indoor interview. In addition, we will discuss the different methods of controlling and blocking light in an interview situation. *More details about how to register can be found on the Wokshops’ webpage after Sept. 1st. We are excited to have Warren Gentry of Digital P leading this workshop. Gentry graduated from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington in 1976 with a BA degree in psychology and began his filmmaking career in 1977. Gentry has traveled to over 24 countries to document the humanitarian efforts to come along side many indigenous peoples. Over the past 37 years he has had the pleasure and opportunity to act as Director of Photography on four regional Emmy winning documentaries and several others that received prestigious awards. These documentaries include: Alamance, Dr. Frank: The Life and Times of Dr. Frank Porter Graham, Continental, Ohio, and The Editor and the Dragon.