
Theater Rental Requests

ATTENTION: Due to theater renovations this summer, The Cary Theater is unable to accept rental requests through September 2024. A limited number of rental spots are available for October 2024 & November 2024. Please be sure your event meets all of the Rental Policies & Requirements prior to submitting a request form. Requests must be submitted 2 – 6 months in advance. We cannot accommodate requests with less than 2 months notice.


Rental Policies & Requirements:

  • Any person, cultural group, or organization who contracts to hold an event, performance, or presentation must obtain a certificate of insurance (COI) and include the The Cary Theater named as an additional insurer on the COI. Minimum insurance requirement is $2 million per occurrence or event.
  • A deposit is required to secure your rental. The deposit is due with receipt of your signed contract.
  • The Cary no longer accepts rental requests for live performances (includes dance performances).
  • The Cary has a limited number of rental spots available each year. Scheduling priority is given to The Cary’s weekly programming.
  • Rentals requests cannot be confirmed until we receive a signed rental contract and deposit.
  • Remaining balances are due a minimum of 30 days prior to the event.
  • Rental organizers must provide 2-4 (or more) volunteers for their event. Volunteers must work for the duration of the event and assist with clean up.
  • Outside food & drink are not allowed inside the theater.
  • Decorations and signage must be free standing. Decorations and signage cannot be attached to walls or fixtures.

If you are interested in renting The Cary Theater, please fill out the form below to help us better serve your needs. Once complete, return the form to Lani Simeona, the theater’s operations and programs supervisor. Please allow up to one week for a reply.

Rental Request Form

For full information on rentals, please review:


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