She’s A Sick Chick!

It’s October and the temperatures are cooling, the leaves are just starting to turn and thoughts turn to all things scary! We’ve partnered with the professional of scary!  Christine Parker is one sick chick!  Not only does she produce and direct her own films, but she curates and directs the Sick Chick Flicks Film Festival.  We’re thrilled to include it as part of Zombiepalooza 2017.  We hosted them last year, but in a different weekend from Zombiepalooza.  This year, we thought that a full weekend of scary was totally in order in advance of Halloween.  We asked her a few questions to get to know her a little better.  Here’s what we found out:

What’s your favorite movie of all time?: The Matrix

Favorite movie in the past five years?: I really enjoyed Mad Max Thunder Road

What’s a book you plan on reading? I found a cool book called Secrets of the Great Pyramid that I plan to read through as research for my new Mummy film.

Why Sick Chicks? I’m guessing this is a question about the name? We had several that we came up with but Sick Chick Flicks and Manic Mojo were tied for our production company name. I went with Sick Chick Flicks because I felt it described us and the movies we make the best.

What’s the best thing about making movies? The really amazing people I get to meet and work with.

What’s the best zombie name? Bob?

Favorite TV show that’s currently on? Outlander

On a scale of one to ten how excited are you about the film festival right now? 10+

What’s your favorite food? Any kind of ice cream!

Least favorite food? Liver

Best gift you’ve ever received? My Macbook Pro

What’s your favorite color? Cobalt Blue

If you had one superpower, what would it be? The ability to be in two places at once.

What’s the weirdest word in the English language? Phalange

Three people alive or dead that you would like to have dinner with? Einstein, Bette Davis, Bruce Campbell

What would be the title of your autobiography? The Baroness of Bloody Fun

What’s your favorite sound? Lawnmower

What’s the last photograph you took? My cat Felix.


The Sick Chicks Flicks Film Festival is in its 2nd year and it’s looking promising that they will welcome their first international filmmakers to Cary this year!  We’re pretty stoked to have found this wonderful local, lady filmmaker! Sick Chick Flicks Film Festival will be held as part of Zombiepalooza 2017 on October 28 and 29.

Tickets are on sale now at

To check out more about the Sick Chicks visit  We guarantee you won’t be sorry you came! 



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