No, we didn’t scour the newly released documents on JFK’s assassination and find that cats played a significant role. Yes, we are happy to premiere two films that seem to be as different as night and day, but have some similarities as well. Both these films were created by filmmakers out of Durham, NC and both are having their Cary, NC premiere as part of our Local Premieres Series and both tell an interesting story with a North Carolina tie.
Sometimes, timing is everything. Fourteen years after beginning this project, and finished in a year that is seeing the release of formerly classified documents regarding the death of the 35th President of the United States. The Searchers is a poignant portrait of ordinary citizens and their contributions to revealing the truth about the crime of the 20th century. Filmmaker Randolph Benson has spent 14 years carefully crafting this intriguing look at an event that changed the nation. And it seems even more intriguing as new documents about this event are being opened to the public. Cary’s very own Dr. Grover Proctor, researcher and expert on Lee Harvey Oswald’s mysterious call to Raleigh the day after the assassination, will join Benson for the following Q&A.
Little Works of Art brings you the story of Harold “Cat Man” Sims’ recently-opened American Museum of the House Cat in Sylva, NC. A sweet telling of one man’s mission to create a museum that supports his shelter where homeless cats are free to roam (never jailed, like criminals) until they can be adopted.
We’re thrilled to support local filmmakers, their stories and the discussion that follows! Friday, November 10 at 7 p.m. For more: