Who’s Your Hero?

Who’s Your Hero?

We all have heroes – ranging from Wonder Woman to Dad. Here at The Cary, we’re getting ready to roll out the red carpet for heroes of all forms when we open our 2nd annual BEYOND: The Film Festival later this month.  So – who’s your hero? Why are they your hero?  We want to hear their story and we want you to honor them by telling the world about this amazing person.  Take a minute and participate in our “Who’s Your Hero?” promotion.  Just fill out the Hero Card; take your picture with it – or just the card and post it on your social media accounts. Use #BeyondHero to tag your post. You can also pick up a card at the Box Office. We’ll be watching to read your stories and will take all the posts and enter them into a contest for some amazing prizes.

Just like we cheer at the end of the film as the underdog rises up to defeat the big bad monster, or how we weep tears of joy at a story that hits close to home, our heroes encourage us, inspire us and they give us hope.

“Going one more round when you don’t think you can. That’s what makes all the difference in your life.” – Rocky Balboa

Tell us about your hero and check out all the heroes that we’re honoring in just a few weeks at BEYOND: The Film Festival!




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