FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Cary Theater Seeks Locally Produced Short Films

CARY, N.C. – Organize before they rise! The Cary Theater today announced a call-for-entries for locally produced short films to compete at Zombiepalooza 2021. The 6th annual Zombiepalooza is the Town of Cary’s zombie-themed screening party featuring locally produced short films.
Individuals or groups are encouraged to shoot and submit a short zombie film between one minute and five minutes in length. All submissions must include the use of hand sanitizer in a scene in the finished film. Hobbyists, professionals, and rookie filmmakers of all ages are encouraged to submit their short film for consideration by judges. Confirm participation via email to receive submission instructions. Deadline for film submissions is October 11, 2021.
The following rules apply to all film submissions:
- Email confirmation of participation to Connie DiGrazia. Include name/address/phone/email for all participants. Teams please indicate a captain.
- Film must be submitted to The Cary Theater by October 11, 2021. Full details will be supplied in confirmation email reply.
- All entrants under age 18 require a parent or guardian’s signature to participate.
- All costs associated with the creation of the film are the filmmaker/film team’s responsibility.
- All music used in the films must be original or participants must provide right-to-use permissions.
- All parties involved in creating a film must agree to right-to-use permission. Waivers are a good idea in case of accidental zombie attacks.
- Identification of The Cary Theater and Zombiepalooza visual identity logos are required in the credits.
- The use of hand sanitizer in at least one scene in your film.
- We love animals and humans! Mistreatment, death, or mutilation of an animal, or human, is strictly prohibited.
- All submitted films must agree to premiere at Zombiepalooza 2021. No prior screenings are allowed.
Winners of our virtual Zombiepalooza in 2020 included: First Place – Night of Terror by Jordan Pollard; Second Place – Paws by Bonnie Webster; Third Place – Who’s The Zombie? by Kenny & Livia Bagley.
Fourteen films screened at Zombiepalooza 2019. The First Place winner was Fatal Time by Korey Merritt. Second Place went to The Meat Up by Patrick Goodwin. The People’s Choice Award went to Foggy Vale by Max Williams.

We know that there are zombie aficionados out there – and this is the opportunity for you to get creative and tell your own Zombie story – who knows – you may save someone’s life! Make us a Zombie film! You can make this film on any type of video camera, including your phone!
Theme: Zombies – use your imagination – comedy, survival, how Zombies got here, Zombies can be our friends . . . you think it up! Again, the required element: Each film must use hand sanitizer visible in the film. Give your film a cool Zombie-ish name! All films should be appropriate for all audiences. Each film will be pre-screened and if it is deemed inappropriate, it will not be accepted for screening. We’ll call you if this happens. This includes language. Keep it clean, folks – there’s all ages that attend our event. Once you sign up to participate, we’ll tell you how to submit your film.
The Cary Theater, located at 122 E. Chatham St. in downtown Cary, lights up downtown with its mission to provide a unique setting for the community to experience art house cinema and live performances that enhance the cultural arts experience in the Town of Cary. Originally constructed in 1946 to serve as the Town’s first indoor movie theater, The Cary was meticulously restored in 2014 to create a vibrant space downtown that offers independent film, live performance comedy and improv, live music and other events. The Cary is owned by the Town of Cary and operated by the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources.
Primary Contacts:
Connie DiGrazia, Program Specialist-Audience Development, (919) 481-5190
Robbie Stone, Arts Program & Operations Coordinator, (919) 460-4969