Thursday Night Music Club debuts this week (3/13) w/ Damn Tall Buildings. Originating from Brooklyn & channeling the spirit of The Avetts, Steep Canyon Rangers & other favs. Don`t miss it 👉 thecarytheater.com
#steepcanyonrangers #avettbrothers #lumineers #shovelsandrope #rhiannongiddens #carync #raleighnc #durhamnc #apexnc #americana #bluegrass #altcountry #swingmusic @gramtallbuildings
Exciting announcement! Our very own @jasonadamomusic will be opening (and maybe even, we hope, joining for a song or two?) the incredibly talented @danrodriguezmusic here on Thursday, April 10. Get your tickets now because, well, they sell FAST whenever Jason is around. Dan is currently touring in support of his album "Wander" - listen where ever you stream to get ready for LIVE.
Low Ticket Alert! @popupchorus is coming to The Cary. We`ll sing selections from Wicked and you will want to be there - but grab your tickets now, because they are almost gone.
Get ready to hold some space for yourself here @thecarytheater
Let`s see your latest screenplay or short film. Take advantage of early bird pricing. Submit today! 👉 filmfreeway.com/BEYONDTheFilmFestival
#ncfilmmakers #ncfilmmaker #cdsduke #screenplaywriter #filmmaking #screenwriting #screenplay #screenplays #trianglefilmmakingcommunity #filmnc #ncfilm #uncwfilmstudies #ncsufilmschool #uncfilm #uncsafilm #uncsafilmmaking
Soderbergh`s shivery ghost story is fresh & frightening. `Presence` FRI (3/14) 8p, SAT (3/15) 8p, SUN (3/16) 6p & 3/20 at 2p. Tix: thecarytheater.com
#carync #townofcary #downtowncarync
See a thrilling selection of films w/ boundary-pushing storytelling as the Women`s Adventure Film Tour screens 3/14 & 3/15. Showtimes 👉 thecarytheater.com
#carync #townofcary #downtowncarync