FAD (film-art-dance) Festival is a brand new event showcasing the best of local, national, and international dance and movement-based short films. Organized and curated by local multimedia group Code f.a.d. Company, the first annual FAD Festival is honored to bring this new genre of dance to The Cary Theater screen.
Featured Films include:
1322 (United States, 2015)
Directed by Tori Duhaime
Anticipation (United States, 2016)
World Premiere
Directed & Choreographed by Autumn Mist Belk
AX.APE (Germany, 2016)
World Premiere
Directed, Cinematographed, and Edited by Toby Wulff
Daily (Germany, 2015)
Directed by Florian Genal
Dancing Queen (United States, 2016)
Created by Damyon Myers
EXODUS (Tanzania, 2014)
Directed by Aïda Colmenero Dïaz
I See His Blood (Ireland, 2015)
World Premiere
Directed by Adrienne Brown and Eoghan O’Reilly
I’m not a Band – Easy (Germany, 2015)
Directed, Cinematographed, and Edited by Toby Wulff
Interlude (Netherlands, 2015)
US Premiere
Directed by Harrie Verbeek; Produced by Monne Tuinhout
Passing Through (United States, 2016)
World Premiere
Directed & Choreographed by Autumn Mist Belk
Pick yourself Up (Australia, 2014
) US Premiere
Created by Pippa Samaya
rake hole dancer (United States, 2015)
US Premiere
Created by Patrick Moser
Silent Rooms (Israel, 2014)
Directed by Ran Raviv
Warehouse Samba (United States, 2015)
US Premiere
Directed and Choreographed by Gabriel Shalom
We’re From Here (United States, 2015)
World Premiere
Created by Conrad Kaczor
Visit Code Fad for more information on the festival:
Will call tickets may be picked up at The Cary Box Office beginning one hour prior to the movies.